
Changing Plans

Sometimes our best laid plans are … wrong. Maybe they are entirely wrong, or maybe they are not right for a particular time or place. This can be true for both big picture plans and smaller daily plans. In either case, it’s important to learn when it is better to push through with your plans because you had promised yourself or someone else that you would, or to scrub those plans and follow a new path present in front of you. Knowing the right course to take in this situation can be tricky. I know because I’m faced with this dilemma all the time, and this weekend in particular.

It had been my intention to get in a solid 8+ hours of work for the mill this weekend, and it felt really important that I get started on this soon. Sunday was the day I had planned for this, but obstacles kept getting in the way. I slept much later than I had planned, and wasn’t feeling well when I finally did get up. After finally leaving for my local coffee shop the radiator hose on my car burst on the way there. I had to stop and patch it up with some duct tape and then drive it to my auto-mechanic (who was luckily very close by). When I finally made it back home I was still not feeling well and was even more unmotivated to get going on this and was sad that I would have to miss quality time with my family in the afternoon.

What to do?

Family fun wins the day this time.

Family Baseball

Family Baseball

Family Baseball

Family Baseball

Family Board Games

Family Board Games

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