One leg of my daily work commute involves a short half mile walk. It is early morning, quiet, and I have the road to myself. I’ve turned this short walk into a time for me go through a simple prayer and mantras I’ve written for myself. I find that these ground me, set the tone for the day, and act as a reminder of what is important to me. These embody the kind of person I want to be. One statement from my prayer is a wish that I would have “authentic love and compassion for myself and others”. Today in particular it hit me that this is an area in need of improvement.
I feel compelled to move this compassion from a mere feeling into action. It’s my intention to look for any opportunity to be of help or service in some way this coming weekend. It’s pretty easy to be kind and helpful as we go about our daily routines. But how often are we willing to go out of our way and incur some inconvenience or discomfort in order extend that kindness? How often are we willing to change our plans or forfeit something we were looking forward to in order to help someone else? That is the kind of help I want to provide. Honestly, I have no idea how this will play out our how this opportunity will manifest. But I’m ready, willing and looking for the chance.
Anyone else with me?